Workshop presentation
Introduction to the subject:
The 20th century saw significant development of human society, meanwhile, there had been two worldwide wars and many regional military conflicts occurred. In the present time, while enjoying the basic worldwide peace, people are still concerned about some tensions among different forces for that they might lead to a coming bake of wars. Elements that constitute potential threats to peace exist in all continents. All these force people who love peace to be concerned about issues such as: why it has been difficult to maintain peace taken that peace has long been recognized broadly as a value for all humans? In addition to the responsibilities of the governments, what role can civil society play in the maintenance of peace? Are there any aspects in our understanding of peace where we should think more profoundly?What can we learn from the past experiences in human history about reaching and maintaining peace? What resources do we have for overcoming the negative elements or trends that may treat peace? As two major economic and social bodies of the 21st century, any common points of views about peace that the peoples of China and Europe may reach would be meaningful. After all, common understanding is the foundation of peace.
In 2009,within the framework of the third China-Europe Social Forum, Professor Zhao Yifeng of the Northeast Normal University and Professor Xu Yong of Beijing University exchanged opinions about the above-mentioned issues with Dr. Henri Bauer, the director of IRENEES, Institute of Resources for Peace. Both sides agreed that creating a discussion group to exchange ideas among peoples of China and Europe is constructive. Further in July 2009, the organizers of peace dialogue from European side and China side met in the International University of Paris. Miss Nathalie Delcamp, representing Henri Bauer, Richard Petris (Director of Ecole de la Paix Grenoble),Zhao Yifeng, and Xu Yong participated the meeting. They jointly made out a plan for later exchange activities, including creating this page as a platform of discussion. They believe that such a dialogue will benefit the understanding of peace among all peoples.