Workshop's news - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Workshop’s news

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Renaissance Beijing Capitel Hotel, July 9-10, 2010

Friday July 9

- 9:00-10:00 am Opening Ceremony
- 10:00-11:00 am Self-introduction and mutual interaction by the Chinese and European participants to deepen mutual understanding;
- 11:00-12:00 am Keynote address and free dialogue concentrated on the selected themes and sub-themes;

- 14:00-14:40 pm Restatement of the four common challenges shared by China and Europe specifically presented in the field of foundations: harmonious society, sustainable development; values, openness, modernity, identity; participatory and integrated governance; the role of China and Europe in the world. In the light of the prior speech and experience of China and Europe, participants propose corresponding strategies of the four common challenges, and record them in Simple grille.
- 14:40-15:00 pm Workshop plenary meeting: methodology restatement the four steps of work in workshop:identification of key issues, identification of the most relevant experiences, perspectives for the future, projects of action. The result of each step should be recorded in simple grille. three types of discussion group:individual work, mini-group discussion, workshop plenary discussion
- 15:00-15:20 pm Participants divided into mini-groups with 5-7 members, work according to different size of group (individuals, mini-group and large group).
- 15:20-17:00 pm Step 1:identification of key issues
- 15:20-16:00 pm Individual work. Each participant writes down five key issues on writing pads about the finance and industry or the cooperation between China and Europe under finance crisis.
- 16:00-16:30 pm Mini - group discussion:divided participants into mini - groups with 5-7 members; The mini - groups identify 5 terms of common respectively.
- 16:30-17:00 pm Workshop plenary discussion. The whole team of participants identifies 5 key terms in common and records them in Simple grille.

- 18:00-20:00 pm Welcome banquet

Saturday July 10

- 08:00-09:30 am Step two:Identification of the most relevant experiences Workshop plenary meeting: Every participant shares with all a relevant experience for the issues identified in step one. Identify 3-5 most valuable and referential experiences in common and record them in Simple grille.
- 09:30-10:40 am Step three:perspectives for the future Workshop plenary meeting: Each participant identifies 1-3 perspectives for the future, for the issues in step one. Identify 3-5 most valuable perspectives in common, and then record them in Simple grille.
- 10:40-12:00 am Step four:projects of action Workshop plenary meeting:Pick out 1-3 projects from perspectives of step three, and then record them in Simple grille. The projects of action can be either development projects or research projects, with the collaboration of Chinese and European sides.

Workshop assistant should be responsible for the workshop outputs collection, documentation, and submission to Forum office via emailing: After the workshop discussion, the two sets of outputs, recorded in 8 Simple grille sheets, should be emailed to the Forum office, NO LATER THAN 9:00 pm, July 11th 2010, as the documents will be used in the Theme discussion and Plenary session on July 13th-14 2010. All data should be recorded in text, shorthand, audio, video, picture, etc. After the biennial meeting, all forms of data should be submitted to the Forum office.

- 14:00-17:00 pm European participants visit the Forbidden City

- 20:00-24:00 pm Submit the discussion record to the Forum office (fce.doc@china- by Desmodo.