Core European Values Past and Present : on “HUMANISM” - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Core European Values Past and Present : on “HUMANISM”

Core values in Chinese and European traditional and modern cultures and their impact on shaping society

Authors: Augusto Shantena Sabbadini

Date: 25 avril 2010

One could call « humanism » the core value of the European Renaissance (14th to 16th centuries). It was a vast shift of emphasis from the medieval world view that preceded it, a shift in which the human person came to center stage and affirmed her/his creative potential. It was accompanied by a sense of exhilaration, a widening of horizons, a newfound trust in human nature, a rediscovery of the wealth and wisdom of our classical (Greek and Roman) past and the sense of an unlimited potential for human evolution.

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