The education of migrant children in Switzerland: points to consider - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

The education of migrant children in Switzerland: points to consider

Authors: Isabel Eíriz, FSP psychologist, DEA in social psychology, Head of Training at Appartenances & Katy François, MA in Anthropology, member of the training department at Appartenances

Date: April, 29, 2010

Published by published by Appartenances

The main aim of this report is to provide information about the situation of migrants in Switzerland in order to provide a clearer context for the theme of the education of migrant children. In this way, the ‘Appartenances’ association hopes to increase understanding of this phenomenon for the partners of the China-Europe Forum. In order to achieve this, we will refer to the most prominent research in this sector, as well as the work of ‘Appartenances’.

Viewed from the outside, many tend to think of Switzerland as a country of sanctuary and tolerance, thanks both to the presence of various international organisations and also to a longstanding tradition of political and military neutrality. But closer examination reveals that things are not as simple and ideal as they seem.

After an overview of the evolution of migratory trends in Switzerland during the last century, we will turn our attention to some of the socio-demographic trends of migration in Switzerland today. Then consideration will be given to the relationship between health and migrants: in this context we will analyse the estimated status, problems we have encountered and current measures undertaken at a national level. Finally, we will concentrate on the theme of the education of migrant children. Taking into account the results of various studies in this field, we will outline the challenges which still have to be faced, before highlighting the efforts of ‘Appartenances’ in this regard.

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