经济危机下企业的可持续发展 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum


Nong Ke Qiang


Sustainable Development of Corporate in a Time of Economic Recession


西门子(中国)有限公司高级副总裁 农克强

Senior Vice President of Siemens Ltd., China Nong Ke Qiang



The global economic crisis in 2008


Tough challenges in parallel with the economic recession - Mega trends


Improve crisis consciousness, and strengthen core competitiveness

■预期准备 —调节市场环境、规范企业行为以保持企业核心竞争力

Preparation in advance – Adjust marketing environment and standardize corporate behavior to maintain core competitiveness


Ensure compliance with all laws and regulations of the P. R. China, including environmental, safety, health and anti-corruption regulations.


Maintain effective product safety and quality programs.


■Conduct formal, frequent standards-based training and exercises to improve the ability of management and employees to handle emergency situations.

■预期准备 — 注重内外部沟通,关注竞争对手

Preparation in advance – Emphasize internal & external communication,

and pay attention to competitors


Watch for pattern minor problems from customer, employee or supplier complaints or suggestions.


Observe competitors and market environment to detect early warning signals or to see if there is an impact on other companies, which also could happen at your own company.


Foster open communication at all levels.


Cost economization & resource optimization


Cost economization is a long-term steady management strategy


Continuously cost economization is to pursue outstanding operation.


Scientific cost economization target and effective assessment system will accelerate to achieve the goal.


Integrate and expand business focusing on long-term development


People Development - Employee is the key to core competitiveness


Recruit, develop and retain high potential employees


Comprehensive personal development and performance-based compensation


Systematic management and leadership development programs to drive localization


How we manage Sustainability at Siemens


How we manage Sustainability at Siemens


Compliance at all levels

■合规对于企业意味着所有商业活动都需要给予法律和相关内部规定的监管。Compliance at enterprises means that business activities are based on observation of the laws and relevant internal regulations.

■所有管理层及员工都应遵守法律,绝不容忍任何违反行为。All management and employees should obey the law and will not tolerate any violations.


The Global Compliance Program


Expectations to young professionals

■理性认识自我、规划职业发展 Rational self-recognition and making career development plan

■脚踏实地、持“志”以恒 working responsible and adhering to career ideals

■勤奋学习、主动融入企业与社会 Study intelligently and integrate individual into enterprise and society actively

■敢于迎接挑战,在逆境中成长 Dare to face the challenges and grow under adversity


Thank you!

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