The urban environment and principal measures taken in urban environmental management - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

The urban environment and principal measures taken in urban environmental management

Authors: Feng Dongfang

Date: 2001

Extract from ” Chengshi fazhan yanjiu (Urban Studies) No. 4, 2001“

Published by Chengshi fazhan yanjiu (Urban Studies) No. 4, 2001

In China, environmental pollution in urban areas has always been a relatively serious problem. In the past few years, the joint efforts to protect the urban environment by government departments at various levels and NGOs, have produced irrefutable results. Overall, the aggravation of this problem is under control, infrastructure building is continuing apace and environmental quality has significantly improved in certain areas. However, the overall state of China’s urban environment is not very encouraging as water, air and noise pollution levels remain relatively high and there is a shortage of waste treatment systems. Consequently, those working to protect the urban environment are under enormous pressure and face considerable challenges.

By analysing noise, water and air pollution levels as well as waste treatment in urban areas, this paper describes current environmental quality in Chinese cities and discusses future trends. It also deals with the present management of the urban environment, and in particular the creation of an organisation that would be responsible for the environmental protection of specific areas, urban environmental planning and financing, and building cities that are models of environmental protection.

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