The Roads in Sun Village - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

The Roads in Sun Village

Popular Authority in the State-society Pattern

Date: novembre 2000

Published by Open Times

In the rural areas in China, roads are like the arteries and veins in the organism of basic-level society, connecting relatively individual villages together as the economic (market) regions and cultural circles where people live in compact communities. Although building roads is always regarded as the cause of the public good, many difficulties still occur since it involves in purchasing lands on a requisition basis, cleaning up seedlings and investment of funds and labor. In rural areas with limited material resources, road-building initiators need to mobilize various social resources and harmonize the conflict of interest in rural communities. Building roads provides rural leaders of different historical periods with a stage to display their abilities and to enhance their influence. Focusing on the road building in countryside is a proper perspective of analyzing what role “popular authority” plays in the society.

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