T31d Urban and peri-urban agriculture facing urban food crisis
China-Europa Forum catalogue
Workshop presentation
Urban and Peri-urban agriculture has a long tradition and at the same time is in expansion in both Chinese and European cities and very little has been exchanged so far. The urban food crisis, fueled by the paramount economic and financial ones, will have to be addressed through a radical re-thinking, planning and building of cities.
Topics for debates
The workshop approach could be three-fold:
1. Understand what kind of UA each one of the participants is involved in. Usually UA addresses one or a combination of the three following basic issues:
* Social inclusion primarily of vulnerable groups such as the youth, migrants or the elderly.
* Entertainment and leisure for urban population deprived of a link with nature, with a strong environment dimension.
* Economic dimension with a drive on income generating activities, job creation and marketable outcomes.
This framework could be used to position each one of our practices ( see the three circles).
2. Know better how these different practices can contribute to face the food crisis in cities
3. Make suggestions on how to follow up this dialogue
About us
Cai Jianming, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Marielle Dubbeling, RUAF Foundation,
Yves Cabannes, UCL/DPU,