Get Involved! - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Get Involved!

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Ways of getting involved

  • Sponsor a workshop : become a pillar of a workshop
  • Become a key player in this adventure
  • Get your networks involved

What does being a participant of the China-Europa Forum imply?

Being a participant of the Forum means becoming actively involved in the dialog between China and Europe. There is no fee to pay nor does it imply that you will be forced into a continuous pace of activity: a participant can be very active in the Forum at some point of its history, move away, then come back to it. Nonetheless, there can be no passive participants, benefitting from the work of others without making their own contribution.

There are several ways to become involved, amongst which:

- by sharing documents with the workshops
- by taking part in discussion forums, in the collective writing of a text on the Wiki
- by leaving a message in the Suggestion box
- by getting involved in the facilitation of a workshop
- by suggesting the names of other participants
- by seeking partners
- by contributing to fund raising

How do you become a Forum participant?

Anyone can become a Forum participant. There are two ways to do so: you can be sponsored by a participant or you can take the initiative to contact us directly. To participate to a workshop of the Third biennial meeting, please read the following section.

In both cases, all new participants will sign the Constituent Charter of the Forum and commit to complying with it.