EU-China Urbanisation Forum: Transition Towards Sustainable Cities - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

EU-China Urbanisation Forum: Transition Towards Sustainable Cities

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EU-China Urbanisation Forum

《Transition Towards Sustainable Cities》

29 June 2015, Brussels


The experience of the last 20 years has shown that in order to design and conduct such a transition it is necessary to base action on a diagnosis shared by the entire population and all stakeholders. The champions of the transition towards sustainable cities are thus characterised by long-term commitment; the will to create long-term partnerships whether at city and regional level or between European and Chinese partners; a comprehensive vision of systemic transition; and the capacity to design innovative solutions.

The annual election of a European Green Capital, Chinese ranking of cities and innovative civilian organisations, the European Covenant of Mayors, the highlighting of the most innovative players, linking them together and attracting new members on the basis of clear commitments, are all good means of boosting the transition effort towards sustainable cities and territories.


The objective of the《 Transition Towards Sustainable Cities 》sub-forum, organised under the patronage of the DG Energy and the Committee of Regions of the European Commission, is to highlight the most innovative and ambitious multi-stakeholder partnerships forged in Europe and China; to identify and celebrate the champions to serve the transition; and to encourage new vocations. By making these the driver of European-Chinese cooperation this can gradually be extended to other cities and territories on the basis of a pact of long-term co-responsibility between local authorities, civilian organisations, businesses, investors, scientists and trainers in order to lead the transition towards sustainable cities and territories (the first version will be discussed at the sub-forum).


The "Transition towards Sustainable Cities" sub-forum will take place on 29 June from 9 am to 12.30 pm. It will bring together 30 European and 30 Chinese leaders and experts with a balance between the five categories of partners: local authorities; civilian society; public and private companies; public and private investors; scientists and trainers, etc.

Place 7th floor, Meeting room JDE 70, Committee of the Regions, EU(Rue Belliard 99-101,1000 Brussels )

Moderator Pierre Calame, co-founder of the China Europa Forum, President of the China Europa Forum Foundation


8.30 – 9.00 Registration 9.00 – 9.20 Welcome speeches - Jiří Buriánek, Secretary-General of the Committee of Regions, EU

- Jin Dejun, Former Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD); Director of the China International Urbanisation Development Strategy Research Committee (CIUDSRC)

- Alexander GRAF VON SCHWERIN, Member of the EESC, President of the EU-China Contact group

- LEI Zhiqiang, Deputy Mayor of Zhen Jiang City, in charge of urban construction

9.20 -9.25 Objectives and Proceedings of Sessions - Pierre Calame

9.25 -11.00 Presentation of outstanding European, Chinese or Euro-Chinese partnerships

European Moderator: Pierre Calame, Reminder of the approach to collection of multi-partnership cases of best players. The session will illustrate the diversity of the networks involved, the relevant policies and actors involved in this partnership;

Chinese Moderator: HUANG Haifeng, Executive Director of Ecological Development Union International (EDUI), Professor at HSBC School of Business, Beijing University

- Evelyne Huytebroeck, MP Ecology Group in Brussels Parliament

- Richard Elelman, Head of Public Administration Projects at the Fundacion CTM Centre Tecnològic (Barcelona)

- Li Fengling, Vice Director of the China International Urbanization Development Strategy Research Committee (CIUDSRC); Professor of Tsinghua University

- Wolfgang Teubner, European coordinator of the ICLEI network

- LUO Jianhua, Secretary General, China Environment Chamber of Commerce

- Özgür Oener, President of Urban Affairs Committee, Housing Europe

- ZHU Ruihong, Associate researcher of the Zhen Jiang City Construction Industry Group(ZJCCIG)

- Peter Ramsden, Pole manager (in England), URBACT Expert

- Catherine Savart, Project Director, Véolia

- Hu Haidong, General Manager of Broad Air Conditioning Europe

- Gary Topp, Business Development Manager, Bristol Green Capital Partnership

- Marta Mancini, Chief Officer, Foreign Affairs Dpt. - Institutional Relations, Mayor’s Office - City of Milan

11.00 - 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 - 11.55 Presentation of the draft of the Pact of Co-responsibility and amendments to the text, discussing its use and dissemination European Moderator: Pierre Calame

Chinese Moderator: ZHANG Renbiao, Chairman of the Professorial Committee of the School of Political Science and International Relations at Tongji University, Deputy Director of the Chinese Urban Sociology Society (CSA)

- Maurizio Mariani, coordinator of European network of Eating cities

- Jacques Saint Marc, Delegate of the President of the Intergovernmental Steering Committee on urbanization, France

- Open Discussion

- Next steps for the development and reporting of the pact

11.55 -12.20 Presentation of the "China-Europe Green Towns and Business Platform”, and Nomination, Prize-giving to Chinese cities, companies and foundations involved in the transition to sustainable cities

Moderator: Zhang Youyun, Council Member of the China Economic and Social Council; Executive Vice President of the China Association for Employment Promotion (CAEP)

- Green Platform presentation: Chen Yan, director of the China Europa Forum

- Presenters of Award Ceremony : Paul TRAN VAN THINH, President of the Association China Europa Forum Gerard Stahl, former Secretary General of the Committee of Regions, EU

12:20 - 12:30 Group picture

12.30 Lunch at 5th floor, CoR Building

Media Partner

: China Daily