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Professor of Contemporary Chinese Studies and Director of the China and Transitional Economies Research Centre, University of Northampton. I have published widely in the area of green agriculture and property rights in China.

Ada Cavazzani

University of Calabria, Department of Sociology Full professor of Rural Sociology in the Faculty of Economics of the University of Calabria (Italy). Director of the Ph.d. School “Andre Gunder Frank” in Knowledge and Innovations for Development of the Department of Sociology and Political Science (www.sociologia.unical.it). Has been Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science, of the Radio and Television Centre of the University, of the Regional Observatory of INEA (National Institute of Agrarian Economics). President of the NGO “GAO-Cooperazione Internazionale”. Has conducted research in Italy and abroad (Europe, North and South America, Africa) on rural development, agricultural policies, training and communication, migrations, international cooperation.

Luca Colombo

The Head of research of the Fondazione Diritti Genetici (Genetic Rights Foundation), based in Rome, Italy. He works as researcher and advisor on agro-biotechnological issues. He holds a degree (cum laude) in agronomy and has published articles and books on agronomic and food security issues (Fame, produzione di cibo e sovranità alimentare, 2002, Jaca Book; Grano o grane. La sfida Ogm in Italia, 2006, Manni; Diritti al cibo!, 2009 in press, Jaca Book). He has previously worked for Greenpeace Italy as GMO campaign coordinator and for the Rome Chamber of Commerce. Between 2005 and 2008 he has been member of the Municipality of Rome Ethical Committee. Mr. Colombo is also serving as member of the International Planning Committee (IPC) for Food Sovereignty secretariat, participating in UN Rome based Agencies conferences and meetings and in preparing civil society events, on behalf of the food producers’ organizations network endorsing the food sovereignty principles.

Dale Jiajun Wen

Dale Jiajun Wen is an activist scholar originally from China. She is a senior scientist at Action 2030 Institute (www.action2030.org), a NGO think-tank focusing on long term policy strategies for sustainable development. She was a coordinating lead author of the IAASTD(International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science & Technology)–an independent and multi-stakeholder international assessment of agriculture conducted by the UN, with similar methodology and process to that of the IPCC.