Europe - China Exchange Platform Survey
Status, quality and characteristics of existing partnerships between Chinese and European cities
Authors: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Date: juillet 2010
Published by this survey has been co-published by The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation and ICLEI
The aim of this report is to give a detailed overview of the state of the art of partnerships between European and Chinese cities. The opening of the Chinese market, on one hand, and Europe’s business sector showing interest in approaching a new potential market on the other, are the bases of this research. The first part of the paper is dedicated to the general understanding and comparison of centuries of geographically separated historical events. Thus, figures on market development, urbanization patterns and political features are taken into consideration. The second and core part of the report presents a series of interviews with some of the most involved European cities into partnerships with Chinese administrations. Interviews were usually carried out by phone with officers from the most appropriate city’s department – i.e. international relations office, economic development, cultural office, etc. Topics addressed concern the character, formal status and duration of the partnership; main topic addressed and key achievements within the partnership; future expectations; key obstacles and weaknesses perceived by partner cities; needs and wishes for support to improve the partnership. In the last part main conclusions about each theme presented are drawn up and good practices for future partnerships are suggested.