Footer - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum


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  • Language version: On the opening page of the Web site, you can choose the language you would like to read it in: English, Chinese or French. Once you are in, all the pages still have a link to the English, Chinese and French versions of the same page at the top of the page on the left.
  • China-Europa Forum logo: When you click on this logo, placed at the top left-hand corner of all the pages, you go back to the opening page where you can choose a language.
  • Main browsing menu: It comprises five tabs that take you to the main sections of the site. When you click on one of them, the menu corresponding to the tab is then displayed in the left-hand column with its sub-sections.
  • The “Orientation” page is a special case: On this page only, there is no local browsing menu on the left, but several boxes giving you a quick preview of the content of the site and a quick access to the main sections.
  • Where are you?: Placed right below the main browsing menu, there is a “path” that shows you where you are in the site tree, what page you are on, and allows you to go back to the parent level on the tree.
  • Links at the foot of the page: These are links to either useful or legally mandatory pages:
    • ACCESS POINTS: This page presents the different ways to browse within the pages of the site, as well as the list of keyboard short-cuts.
    • CONTACTS: This page gives you the contact details for any request that you may wish to address, in terms of what you need.
    • PRESS AREA: Section where some of the content is highlighted for the intention of the media.
    • FAQs: Frequently asked questions with their respective answers.
    • SUBSCRIBE TO THE WEB SITE (RSS): This page explains what an RSS feed is and lists the feeds by theme to make them available to users.
    • SITE MAP: The site map gives users a quick view of the tree structure of the site as well access to its content.
    • LEGAL: Displays all the legal references related to the site.
    • PRIVACY POLICY: This page explains how your personal data is protected when it is entered on this site.
    • CREDITS: Where we thank the persons and the software that allowed us to set up this site.
  • “Top of page” links: When a page is longer than three 768 pixel-high screens, a top of page link will be put in to facilitate browsing within the page.

Search engine

The search engine is at the top of all pages on the right. It searches through the entire site.

In addition to the search engine for the site, the “Documentation” tab offers a second search engine for documentary research within the catalogue of the China-Europa Forum or in the CoreDem catalogue enlarged to all CoreDem partners.

Keyboard short-cuts


  • Mozilla, Netscape, or Firefox on Windows: Hold down the Shift and Alt keys together, then press the desired accesskey listed below (not on the number pad). This will take you where you want to go within the site more quickly. Please note: on a QWERTY or a QWERTZ (German) keyboard, you don’t need to press the Shift key to trigger the accesskey.
  • Internet Explorer 6 on Windows: Hold down the Shift key and the desired accesskey listed below (not on the number pad), then press the Enter key to get where you want to go.
  • Opera 7 on Windows, Macintosh or Linux: Esc + Shift and accesskey
  • MSIE on Macintosh: Ctrl and accesskey, then Enter
  • Safari 1.2 on Macintosh: Ctrl and accesskey
  • Mozilla or Netscape on Macintosh: Ctrl and accesskey
  • Galeon, Mozilla or Firefox on Linux: Alt and accesskey
  • Konqueror 3.3+: Ctrl, then accesskey (successively)
  • Netscape 4, Camino, Galeon, Konqueror previous to version 3.3.0, Omniweb, Safari previous to version 1.2 and Opera Windows/Linux previous to version 7 do not support accesskeys.

List of keyboard short-cuts:

  • Key 0: Access Points page listing keyboard short-cuts, amongst other information
  • Key 1: Opening page with choice of language
  • Key 2: News section
  • Key 3: Site map
  • Key 4: Puts your cursor in the Search field
  • Key 5: FAQs
  • Key 7: Contacts
  • Key 8: Legal

Downloadable documents

All downloadable documents are in PDF format. Other information on the files is also provided (format, weight).

If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it on the Adobe Web site. Otherwise, you can convert the PDF format to basic HTML by using the Adobe online conversion tool; to do so, copy the link address (URL) of the PDF file and paste it in the URL field provided on that page under “Adobe PDF Conversion by Simple Form”.

Compatibility with browsers

This Web site uses W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) technology. The Consortium is set up to draw up international recommendations related to the computer language used to write Web pages (HTML, CSS templates, etc.) in order to keep the World Wide Web at its maximum potential.

The China-Europa Forum recommends using the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or more, Internet Explorer 7 or more.