About us - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Prime movers In China : Zhejiang University, Hangzhou

- Professor ZHONG Ping, Director of Philosophy department, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University
- Professor HE Shanmeng, Philosophy Department, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University

In Europe : University of Ghent – Sinology Department
- Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein: Professor /Head of the Eastern Languages and Cultures - Sinology Department- Ghent University Provisional title of presentation: “Self-assurance and Self-denial- The Chinese Individual and His Relation to Society (first part-comparative historical framework)”
- Dra Mieke Matthyssen : Researcher Eastern Languages and Cultures - Sinology Department-Ghent University, Eastern Languages and Cultures - Sinology Department- Ghent University Provisional title of presentation: “Self-assurance and Self-denial -The Chinese Individual and His Relation to Society (second part: contemporary China)”

- Prof. dr. Günter Wohlfart: He is professor (emeritus) of philosophy at Wuppertal University with a strong interest in Chinese Daoist philosophy; currently living in France www.guenter-wohlfart.de Presentation proposal: „Kant’s moral egocentrism and universalism versus Kongzi’s ‘communitarian’ moral reciprocity and Mengzi’s compassion.“

- Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Möller: He is a trained sinologist with strong interest in the system’s theory of Niklas Luhmann, applying this to Chinese thought. He was Professor at Brock University, Canada, and is now at Cork (Ireland). Senior Lecturer University College Cork Department of Philosophy Cork (Ireland) Presentation proposal: „The Modern (Western) Concept of Individuality as Analyzed by Niklas Luhmann “—and a Comparison of this Concept with Ancient Chinese Views on Individuality.

- Vincent Commenne: After a « classical » beginning of career in a multinational, Vincent COMMENNE was for 5 years responsible for TRIODOS, an ethical bank in French-speaking Belgium. He is today coordinator of the European Network for Responsible consumption, composed of individuals and 60 organisations committed in Sustainable Development, Fair Trade, Social Justice and Ethical Funding. Vincent Commenne is also leading a research group on Social Responsibility of the companies, working on the five continents. Presentation related to the theme ‘’Evolution of values and related behaviors in Europe aiming to achieve a sustainable and harmonious society’