Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies Held in Rio de Janeiro
Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies Held in Rio de Janeiro
17 June: Tripartite Dialogue Initiative Launched
On the afternoon of 17 June an on-site side-event entitled “Another future is possible: Civil Societies in Action! - Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies at Rio+20” was held in the T-11 meeting room in the Rio Centro. Initiated by Association 4D and the CEF at the end of 2011, the dialogue was co-organised by Collectif Rio+20 and the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH).
Keynote speeches were delivered on the interpretations of sustainable development, and the challenges and expectations regarding the Rio+20 Conference in the respective regions by representatives of Chinese, European and South American civil society organisations.
Chen Yan, Executive President of the CEF, formally announced the Tripartite Dialogue Initiative. He reaffirmed that the CEF would not represent any of the three parties but would continue to be the initiator and facilitator. “With the creation of this platform, we’d like to construct, maintain and even expand it and keep its effectiveness, continuity and openness.”
On the evening of 17 June another Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American (CESA) Civil Societies within the framework of the People’s Summit was held at the Hotel Golden Park in the downtown area of Rio de Janeiro.
As a continuation of the first “prime movers” meeting in April in Paris, the off-site event was to bring together more than 40 people by invitation only, including 10 representatives each from Chinese, European, Brazilian and South American organisations and to widen the CESA platform.
The main part had three sections with representatives from China, Europe and South America sharing their experiences respectively:
“Role of civil society in poverty eradication in China” by Dr WANG Zhenyao, and “Role of rural women in poverty eradication in China” by Ms HAI Qing, Chinese actress.
“Evolution of sustainable societies in Europe” by Mr Yves Le Bars, President of GRET.
“Biocivilisation for the Sustainability of Life and the Planet” by MrCandido GRZYBOWSKI, Director-General of iBase.
16-19 June: Chinese Experts Took Part in Global Dialogues before Rio+20
The Sustainable Development Dialogues held from 16-19 June at Rio Centro, was an initiative the Government of Brazil originated and carried out with the support of the United Nations. For the first time in global UN conferences, a participatory and inclusive process for representatives of civil society took place with a view to bringing a number of recommendations to Heads of State and governments.
On a recommendation from the CEF, Professor LU Huilin of Peking University and Professor YANG Tuan of the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS) were invited as panellists to attend the dialogues which gathered 100 panellists in 10 panels and focused on key themes in the international agenda for sustainable development. The debates attracted an average audience of more than 1,300 people.
19 June: CHEN Yan Participated in EU-BRICS Civil Society Meeting
On the afternoon of 19 June Dr CHEN Yan, Executive President of the CEF, attended the off-site event entitled “EU-BRICS Civil Society Meeting, Dialogue for Sustainable Development” which was organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Dr CHEN Yan delivered a speech on the development of the civil society in China and underlined the importance of DIALOGUE by elaborating on the CEF’s seven-year experience in fostering society-to-society dialogue.
20 June: CEF Organized Informal Work Meeting in Rio
On the morning of 20 June Mr Pierre Calame convened an informal work meeting in Rio, summarising the tripartite dialogue, sharing what he had gained from the Rio+20 Summit and discussing the priorities of the CEF in the near future.
20 June: YU Shuo and WANG Zhenyao Attended Oxfam’s Site Event
On the afternoon of 20 June Dr WANG Zhenyao and Dr YU Shuo attended an off-site event entitled “A New Route to Engage the Public under Sustainable Development Strategy” hosted by Oxfam.
22 June: A Delegate of CEF Visited Favela Alemão and Met a Local NGO
On 22 June a group of Chinese and European NGO representatives, with the help of ATD-Fourth World coordinator Mr Eduardo Simas, visited Favela Alemão in north of Rio for an in-depth understanding of Brazilian society. Professor Alan Brum Pinheiro, founder of the local NGO Raízesem Movimento, held a colloquium for the team, briefing them on the overall situation of lives in the slums and the efforts of his organisation in fighting for the rights of people living there. He then took questions from the audience.
From 16-17 June Raízesem Movimento, founded in 1991, launched the “RIO-20 INITIATIVE” in order to voice the 20 most declining rights of citizens living in the favela over the past 20 years. They also held demonstrations at the People’s Summit and the Favela Alemão.
22 June: CEF and its Chinese and European Partners Met with Brazilian NGO iBase
On the afternoon of 22 June representatives of the CEF, Association 4D, CANGO, FnGM and ATD Fourth World met with Mr Candido Grzybowski, Director-General of iBase, a Brazilian civil society organisation founded in 1981 to consolidate democracy and to promote active citizenship. Among other things, the organisation created the World Social Forum with other institutions.
Those present expressed their willingness to further the dialogue and exchange in future, and focused on concrete action plans, including holding a tripartite event in Beijing in 2013 and proposals regarding publications.
In the same section
- The 3rd China-Europe-South America CSO Dialogue Joint Declaration, Lima, Peru, December 2014
- The 3rd China-Europe-South America CSO Dialogue Joint Declaration, Lima, Peru, December 2014
- The 2nd China-Europe-South America CSO Dialogue Joint Statement, Beijing, China, May 2013
- May: Second China-Europe-South America Dialogue Meeting
- Dialogs set by NGOs for better communication
- Chinese, South American and European CSOs join hands in progress for change
- Launching Ceremony prior to China groups setting out for Rio de Janeiro held in Beijing
- Tripartite Preparatory Meeting held in Paris