Pole 4
Objectives, methods and levels of governance from local to global (groups S4 and T4)
S4 - Role and responsibility of the actors of the Public sector
- S43a Jurists’ role and responsibility in the society
- S44a Military men contribution to human security and their links with the rest of society (WS44)
- S47a Role and Responsibilities of Foundations face to the common challenges in China and in Europe (WS45)
- S47b Citizenship, social responsibility and international cooperation of civil society organizations (WS24)
- S47c Social and environnemental action of Grass-root NGOs
T4 - Objectives, methods and levels of governance from local to global
- T41a Urban design and management - Sustainable cities and communities
- T41b Conservation of urban heritage and renew of old cities
- T41d Urban development and governance of city (WT42)
- T41e Cities, transportation and energy
- T41f Which urban utopias for the 21st century ?
- T43a China and Europa as global player : which conception of world governance ? (WT44)
- T43b Relations between China, Europa and Africa (WT43)
- T43c What agricultural policies? What contribution of China and Europe in a global agricultural policy?
- T43e Casting a global monetary, financial and energy framework
- T43i Reconstruction and Sustainable development after earthquakes and natural disasters
- T44a Compared judicial cultures
- T44b Peace ; culture of peace in China and Europe : what can we learn from history ?
- T44c International regulations applicable to multinational companies
- T44e International law and peaceful use of outer space
- T44f Innovation, development and intellectual property
- T45a The conception and management of public services (WT23)
- T46b Internet and Citizen Participation
- T46c Role of inhabitants in the management of urban communities
- T48a The training of civil servants and the training in public affairs