摘 要:本文从区域的角度,对古村落整体保护的概念进行了探索,讨论了徽州文化区的特点,并以徽州文化区的绩溪县域为例,提出了保护规划中应当注意的问题。 关键词:古村落整体保护 徽州文化区
The Exploration into Comprehensive and whole Conservation of Ancient Villages in the Context of Hui Culture
- take the Conservation of ancient villages of Anhui Jixi County territory as an example
Zhao Zhongshu Hu Min
Abstract: This article has carried on the exploration to concept of the conservation for the ancient villages from the region angle, discusses the characteristic of the Huizhou culture area based on the analysis of Huizhou culture area, proposes questions worth being noticed in the conservation programs.
Keywords: Comprehensive Conservation ,Ancient villages , Cultural Region of Huizhou
- “三坊七巷”文化资源的生态型开发
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- 严格保护古城风貌 小心翼翼复兴古城
- 价值•工具•情感 论文化通识教育在三坊七巷历史遗产保护中的启蒙作用
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