南京城南历史城区保护的回顾与反思 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum



刘正平 宣莹 南京市城市规划编制研究中心 210029

摘 要:城南是南京历史积淀最深厚的老城区,也是一直是规划重点保护的地区。但是由于保护资金不足、社会保护意识缺乏和保护措施不足等原因,城南历史城区的保护状况一直不尽人意。本文对南京城南历史城区的保护历程进行回顾与反思,借鉴法国历史地段保护的相关经验,并提出相关建议。 关键词:南京城南历史城区 法国历史地段 老城保护

Review and Reflection on the Historical District of South Nanjing ——Learning the Successful Experience of Historical Area Conservation in France Liu Zhengping Xuan Ying

Abstract: Having the most profound historical accumulations of Nanjing, South Nanjing has always been the key area in Nanjing conservation plans. However, the deficiency of protection funds, protection consciousness and protection measures leads to the unsatisfactory of conservation condition in south Nanjing. This paper is a review and reflection on the protection course of the historical district of south Nanjing, learning the successful experience of historical area conservation in France, and putting forward some suggestions. Keyword: The historical district of south Nanjing; Historical areas in France; Urban conservation