李 豫 闽 (福建师范大学美术学院 福州 350004) 摘 要:自古以来,民间美术的产生和生产总是与人们的日常生活紧密相连,“百工”技艺服务于社会生活的方方面面,其性质决定了它有别于主流社会而独立存在,行业竞争剧烈、工匠生存不易,由此产生行会组织并形成行业习俗。本文以福建漳州地区古代民间美术行业习俗与近代台湾鹿港小木花匠团锦森兴为例,说明闽台民间美术的渊源与流变。 关键词: 闽台 民间美术 行业习俗 行规行例
The Guild Custom and Guild Regulation of the Folk Art in Fujian-Taiwan Li Yumin Abstract: Since ancient times, the generation and production of folk art are always closely linked with people’s daily life; all artisans serve all aspects of the social and life. Its nature decides its independence from the mainstream society and highly competition, craftsmen lead a hard life. Therefore the guild and the guild custom come into being. This paper takes ancient folk art custom in Zhangzhou and joinery and non-structural carpentry called “Jinsenxing”in Taiwan Lu-Gang as example, explaining the origin and development of the folk art of Fujian-Taiwan. Key words: Fujian-Taiwan, Folk art, Guild custom, Guild regulation
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