浅议英国旧城更新理论:城市复兴 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum



魏小春 福州市规划设计研究院 摘 要:论文回顾了英国城市复兴理论产生的背景、内容,以及在英国城市的具体应用,以期全面的理解英国城市复兴理论。试图重新思考我国城市更新理论该有的基本视点和观点,以及当前我国城市旧城更新在实践所应该关注的问题。 关键词:城市复兴、城市更新、城市重建、空间句法、英国 Urban Planning Theory of UK: Urban Renaissance Wei Xiaochun Fuzhou Planning and Design Institute Abstract:The thesis have recollected the background , content of urban renaissance in United Kingdom. Base on case study of theory, produces of different cities’s experiences, hopefully to understand United Kingdom ‘s urban renaissance theory exactly. Try to rethink some fundamental viewpoints’s of old city renewal theory and to rethink what is the content we need to pay more attention on the Chinese old cities ‘s renewal. Key Words: Urban Renaissance, Urban Renewal, Urban Regeneration, Space Syntax, UK