都市包围中的水乡碎片 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum




摘要 本文主要以广州沥滘村的田野调查资料为基础,描述这个广府村落在发展过程中面临的文化变迁,从而引发村落空间形态的巨大变化。在只剩下碎片般的河道、祠堂、庙宇和民居遗存的提示下,消失的岭南水乡被老人家们的记忆描述连缀重现出来,一层层地显影在我们的想象里。 关键词 田野调查,村落空间,碎片,记忆,参与式发展,族群认同

The Fragments of Riverside Village Surrounded by Cities ——The family temples and the memory of the old family in Lijiao village of Guangzhou Chen Xiaoyang Abstract:Through the report of fieldwork in Guangzhou Lijiao village, we can find there are many big changes of the shape of the village space. But there are still many fragments of ancient water system, family temples, temples and folk houses now. So we can try to image the lost landscape of Lingnan riverside village from the memory of the old people. Key words:Fieldwork; Space of village; Fragments; Memory; Participation in the development; Ethnic identity