王慧慧 (福州市规划设计研究院 350003 )
摘 要:州古建筑木构架属于我国南方穿斗式体系的一支,属闽东体系。梁枋采用扁作直梁式,断面为矩形,受力合理。看架式屋内额和大额枋减柱法是“三坊七巷”民居纵向支撑体系两个显著的地域性特点。木构体系大量使用丁字栱,简洁高效。“三坊七巷”内地方建筑独特的营造工艺,既是物质遗产的建设保证,也是地方特有的、未被记录的非物质文化遗产,这些均是保障文物修复保持原状的营造依据,有效的保护福州市“三坊七巷”建筑群丰富而珍贵的物质和非物质文化遗产。 关键词:坊七巷;传统民居;结构支撑体系;构造处理;文化遗产
Analysis of the characteristics of the structure of support system with residential houses of Three lanes and Seven alleys in Fuzhou Wang Huihui
Abstract: The timber framing of ancient buildings in Fuzhou is a branch of the tenon through system which belongs to the Mindong system. The girder is of flat beam type. The crosssection is rectangular bearing rational pressure. The in-house board and architrave column lowering methods are two outstanding regional characteristics of longitudinal support system of folk houses in three lanes and seven alleys. T arches are extensively used in the timber framing system, which are simple and effective. The unique crafts of buildings in three lanes and seven alleys are not only the establishing guarantee of material heritages, but also the local peculiar non-material cultural heritages that are not recorded. All of these are the establishment foundations for retaining the original appearance of the historical relics and for protecting various and precious material and non-material cultural heritages of buildings in three lanes and seven alleys. Key words: Three lanes and seven alleys, Traditional residential houses, The structure system ,Structure to deal with ,Cultural heritage
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