三坊七巷申报世界文化遗产的标准符合性探讨 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum



陈 硕 福州市规划设计研究院

摘 要:本文尝试论述三坊七巷申报世界文化遗产的意义,以及探索其物质与非物质遗产价值,分析其申报世界文化遗产的可能性以及标准符合问题,旨在说明保护好世界文化遗产,能促进地区持续健康发展,达到遗产保护与地域发展之间的双赢。 关键词: 世界文化遗产 三坊七巷 标准

The Research into Standards of Compliance of Three lanes and Seven allays Declared World Cultural Heritage

Chen Shuo Fuzhou Planning and Design Institute

Abstract: This article attempts to elaborate the significance of three lanes and seven alleys declared world cultural Heritage, as well as explores its value as material and non-material cultural heritage, analyzes the possibility and the Standards of Compliance for its declaration of world cultural heritage, which is for the purpose of explaining that good conversation of the world cultural heritage can promote an area to continue the healthy development, and can reach a win-win situation between the cultural heritage conversation and region development. Key Words: World cultural heritage Three lanes and seven alleys Standards