陈 硕 福州市规划设计研究院
摘 要:本文尝试论述三坊七巷申报世界文化遗产的意义,以及探索其物质与非物质遗产价值,分析其申报世界文化遗产的可能性以及标准符合问题,旨在说明保护好世界文化遗产,能促进地区持续健康发展,达到遗产保护与地域发展之间的双赢。 关键词: 世界文化遗产 三坊七巷 标准
The Research into Standards of Compliance of Three lanes and Seven allays Declared World Cultural Heritage
Chen Shuo Fuzhou Planning and Design Institute
Abstract: This article attempts to elaborate the significance of three lanes and seven alleys declared world cultural Heritage, as well as explores its value as material and non-material cultural heritage, analyzes the possibility and the Standards of Compliance for its declaration of world cultural heritage, which is for the purpose of explaining that good conversation of the world cultural heritage can promote an area to continue the healthy development, and can reach a win-win situation between the cultural heritage conversation and region development. Key Words: World cultural heritage Three lanes and seven alleys Standards
- “三坊七巷”文化资源的生态型开发
- 三坊七巷古民居维修用木材及遗存木构件保护
- 严格保护古城风貌 小心翼翼复兴古城
- 价值•工具•情感 论文化通识教育在三坊七巷历史遗产保护中的启蒙作用
- 关于我们
- 南京城南历史城区保护的回顾与反思
- 历史文化名城全面整体保护思探
- 地面三维激光扫描技术在古建筑保护中的应用
- 城市历史文化遗产
- 小组介绍
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- 工业遗产保护及创意产业发展
- 徽文化背景下的古村落区域整体保护探索
- 文化生态视野的历史文化街区保护
- 更新小组活动
- 浅议英国旧城更新理论:城市复兴
- 现代福州市城市用地扩展进程研究
- 福州“三坊七巷”传统民居结构支撑体系的特点
- 讨论主题
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- 闽台民间美术的行业习俗及行会行例
- 老城保护与更新展览