Code |
组名 Title |
城市 City | plenary group |
T26a |
社会住房政策/ Social Housing Policy |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T31d |
发展都市农业 应对城市食品危机/Urban and peri-urban agriculture facing urban food crisis |
北京/Bejing | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T41a |
城市和谐小区设计和规划治理/The design for harmonious residence community and urban governance |
上海/Shanghai | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T41f |
21世纪的理想城市应当是什么? Which urban utopias for the 21st century ? |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T41d |
城市发展与城市治理 (WT42)/Urban development and governance of city (WT42) |
上海/Shanghai | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T41e |
城市, 交通, 能源 /City, transport, energy |
上海/Shanghai | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
T43i |
地震灾后的重建与可 持续发展/Reconstruction and Sustainable development after earthquakes and natural disasters |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 1 : City, territories and sustainable development |
S47c |
可持续社区发展与公民社会/Sustainable community development and civil society |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
S25a |
退休人群与老年人在社会中的责任和角色/Role and place of retired people and ageing into society |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T22b |
孤残儿童保护/Protection of disabled and orphan children |
昆明/Kunming | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T23a |
移民劳工社区/Community of rural migrant-workers |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T24a |
受灾后影响的社会心理援助:儿童及青少年/Post natural disaster psychological aid: children and youth |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T21b |
青少年和家庭/youth, and family in China and Europe |
香港/HongKong | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T22a |
对抗贫穷与边缘化的公共政策:弱势群体的生存需求/Policies against poverty and exclusion: how to provide basic needs of disavantaged groups |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T35a |
农村发展和养老模式/Rural development and models for old-age care provision |
常熟/Changshu | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T46b |
互联网与公民参与/Internet and citizen participation |
深圳/Shenzhen | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
T27b |
生活方式的变迁与新的消费模式/Evolution of lifestyles and new modes of consumption |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 2 : Social development and Evolution of lifestyles |
S31a |
企业管理者的责任和角色及其责任培训 (WS31)/Role and responsibility of company chief executives and executives and their training to responsibility |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 3 : New Models of economy and social responsibility of Entreprise |
S32a |
面对全球化的中欧中小型企业执行总裁的处境、地位与责任/Role and responsibility of SME Chief Executives facing globalisation |
宁波/Ningbo | GROUP 3 : New Models of economy and social responsibility of Entreprise |
S37a |
社会企业的责任和角色 (WS26)/Role and responsibility of social entreprises (WS26) |
香港/HongKong | GROUP 3 : New Models of economy and social responsibility of Entreprise |
S39a |
企业干部的责任管理 /Responsible management of executives (WS25) |
武汉/Wuhan | GROUP 3 : New Models of economy and social responsibility of Entreprise |
S39b |
企业社会责任:让中欧更好沟通的方法/Corporate social responsibility?: a way for a better dialogue between China and Europe |
上海/Shanghai | GROUP 3 : New Models of economy and social responsibility of Entreprise |
S33a |
金融部门的机构 (当今金融危机之下,中欧之间如何合作?)/Financial institutions and today’s Financial crisis?: what cooperation between Europe and China?(WS32) |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T43e |
通过国际协商,建立一个新的货币,金融和能源框架/Casting a global monetary, financial and energy framework |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
S47a |
基金会在应对中欧共同挑战中的角色和责任/Role and Responsibilities of Foundations face to the common challenges in China and in Europe |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
S47b |
公民意识、社会责任与社团国际合作 /Citizenship, social responsibility and international cooperation of civil society organizations |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T43a |
中国与欧洲的世界角色及世界治理 (WT44)/China and Europa as global player: which conception of world governance? |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T43b |
中国与世界其他地区的关系-非洲 /Relations between China, Europa and Africa |
澳门/Macao | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T45a |
公共服务的概念和管理 (WT23)/The conception and management of public services (WT23) |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T48a |
中欧公务员培训及公共管理教育/The training of civil servants and the training in public affairs |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T43c |
农业政策:中国和欧洲能为世界农业政策带来什么样的贡献?/What agricultural policies? What contribution of China and Europe in a global agricultural policy? |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 4 : China, Europe:local and global governance |
T37a |
可持续旅游业/Sustainable tourism |
湖南张家界/Zhang Jia Jie, Hunan Province | GROUP 5: Relation between humanity and biosphere |
T52b |
汇水盆地的治理 / Catchment basin governance |
郑州/Zhengzhou | GROUP 5: Relation between humanity and biosphere |
T55a |
山区文化遗产的价值与管理 (WT56)/Values and management of moutain territory heritage (WT56) |
贵阳/Guiyang | GROUP 5: Relation between humanity and biosphere |
T54a |
土地管理和家庭农业 /Land management policies and family farming (WT54) |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 5: Relation between humanity and biosphere |
T56b |
农业与生物多样性 (WT55)/Agriculture and biodiversity (WT55) |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 5: Relation between humanity and biosphere |
T13b |
互联网新技术与社会生活方式的变迁/The new internet technology and the change of social behaviour |
深圳/Shenzhen | GROUP 6 : Science, technology and responsibility toward the society |
S39c |
企业生态责任:企业家与环保政策的推动/Companies ecological responsibility: for an environmental friendly industry & policy?? |
长沙/Changsha | GROUP 6 : Science, technology and responsibility toward the society |
T13d |
学界与企业之间的知识转让/Transfer of knowledge between academics, research centers and enterprises |
香港/Hongkong | GROUP 6 : Science, technology and responsibility toward the society |
T51c |
生态工业 :循环经济与节能减排/Towards an industrial ecology: recycling economy, energy saving and pollution reduction |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 6 : Science, technology and responsibility toward the society |
T14b |
基础教育系统的演变/Evolution and reform of the educational system in primary and secondary schools |
宁波/Ningbo | GROUP 7 : Rethinking Education |
T14g |
移民子女的教育和社会融合/Education of migrants’ children and its role in integration |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 7 : Rethinking Education |
T16c |
21世纪的城市体育、城市管理与市民社会/Urban Sports, City Management and Civil Society in the 21st Century |
上海/Shanghai | GROUP 7 : Rethinking Education |
T44a |
司法文化比较/Compared judicial cultures |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
T44e |
国际法与外层空间的和平利用/International law and peaceful use of outer space |
哈尔滨/Harbin | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
T44c |
适用于跨国企业的国际市场监管/International regulations applicable to multinational companies |
天津/Tianjin | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
T44f |
创新,发展和知识产权/Innovation, development and intellectual property |
广州/Guangzhou | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
S38a |
劳工权益保护 (WS26)/Protection of employees (WS26) |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
S43a |
法律人在社会中的角色与责任/Jurists’role and responsibility in the society |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 8 : Law and Justice; Rights and protection of individuals |
S11a |
宗教与社会:多重身份的挑战 (WS11)/Religion and Society: the challenge of multiple identities (WS11) |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 9: Culture and Arts |
S15a |
新闻工作者与责任 (WS15)/Journalists and responsibility (WS15) |
成都/Chengdu | GROUP 9: Culture and Arts |
T11a |
中欧个人观与社会观之比较 (WT11)/Chinese and European views of the individuals and society (WT11) |
杭州/Hangzhou | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T11d |
多语言社会与语言沟通:欧洲与中国如何相互借鉴/ Multi-lingualism and Cross-lingual Communication: How China and Europe can learn from each other |
香港/HongKong | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T12a |
族群、国家、人类认同/Ethnic, National and Humankind Identities |
昆明/Kunming | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T12d |
物质与非物质遗产保护/Protection of material and immaterial heritage |
贵州/Guizhou | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T12e |
艺术创作和艺术市场/Artistic creation and Art market |
北京/Beijing | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T44b |
中欧的和平文化:我们能从历史中学到什么?/Culture of peace in China and Europe: what can we learn from history |
长春/Changchun | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
T16a |
中欧对话的挑战和优势与跨文化思考 (WT13)/The challenges and advantages of Euro-Chinese dialogue and intercultural thinking (WT13) |
厦门/Xiamen | GROUP 9: Culture and system of values |
S12a |
艺术家的角色与责任(WS12) / role and responsibility of artists (WS12) |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
S21a |
妇女的责任和角色 (WS21) / Role and responsibility of women (WS21) |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
S22c |
青少年对本地社区发展与志愿工作倡议的参与度 / The involvement of youth in initiatives of communitary development and voluntary work at local level |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
S22d |
青年面对能源和气候变化的挑战 / Youth facing the challenges of energy and climate change |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
S26a |
社会工作者的教育 / Social Worker Education |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T12g |
艺术教学 / Art teaching |
广州/Guangzhou | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T16b |
民族主义和世界主义 (WT17) / Nationalism and cosmopolitanism (WT17) |
香港/HongKong | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T35d |
超越家庭农业:农村合作经济的前景 / Beyond the Family Farming: the Prospect of Rural Cooperative Economy |
广州/Guangzhou | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T31c |
"可持续食品供应链和食品体系 (WT35) / Sustainable food supply chains and food systems (WT35)" |
北京/Beijing | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T41b |
老城保护与更新 / Conservation of urban heritage and renew of old cities |
Fuzhou | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T46c |
城市社区治理中居民的角色 / rôle of inhabitants in the management of urban communities |
上海/Shanghai | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |
T52c |
促进生态水文学:发展可持续性的生态系统和水资源治理模式 / Promoting Ecohydrology for the sustainable management of ecosystems and water resources |
Lanzhou | Workshops Held during July 18-21, 2009 |